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Best address in town….

If you’ve lived in the ‘Deltastraat’, it’s obvious you start hang gliding.


Cumulus Pixar

I’ve been to cloudbase several times, and flown into clouds. But I’ve never seen these types of clouds.

Cumulus Pixar


No more flying (part three)

This summer we went to Tolmin in Slovenia, to enjoy our holiday. We had great weather, in a beautiful country on a nice camping place. Of course, I had my glider with me. The first week, the flying conditions were very good. I made a couple of flights around the Soca valley. The nicest moment […]

no more flying (part two)

This summer, our youngest cat Spot, catched his first bird. The sparrow must have been a young one. Because Spot isn’t the fasted cat in the world. Spot didn’t know that he is supposed to eat the sparrow. So he played a bit with the bird. Luckily for the bird, it was a quick kill. […]

No more flying (part one)

While cleaning out all the junk in the garage, I found this dead bat. I’ve no idea how long he or she has been there. The box must have been in the garage for some years, and I haven’t looked in it for ages. Which subspecies it is, I don’t know. What I do know […]

Nice picture

Because it’s a nice picture. Here my flight of 23-05-2009 at EHST. I love my mobile phone with GPS-logging and Google-Earth on the computer. 🙂

Is was 1 hour of flying time. Normaly the dragonfly goes to 500m, before you release. But at about 250m, I crossed a strong thermal. It was to strong […]